Chemia Analityczna     Chemical Analysis
cover of Chemia Analityczna
Browse the Journal (1992 - 2009)
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Chemia Analityczna, Chemical Analysis devoted to all branches of analytical chemistry, was published by the Polish Chemical Society and the Committee on Analytical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences with cooperation of the Czech Chemical Society, the Slovak Chemical Society and the Hungarian Chemical Society.
Starting from January 1st, 2010 Chemia Analityczna, Chemical Analysis has merged with
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (ABC).
Manuscripts should now be submitted online at
Editorial Board of Chemia Analityczna, Chemical Analysis (Jan, 2010)
Editorial Board of Chemia Analityczna, Chemical Analysis
From left: Zdzisław Chilmończyk, Zygfryd Witkiewicz, Alicja Jedlewska (editorial secretary), Adam Hulanicki (editor in chief), Rajmund Dybczyński, Maciej Jarosz, Zbigniew Stojek
 Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw |  Polish Chemical Society