Chemia Analityczna Volume 46, Number 1
(January - February 2001)

Determination of Aluminum with Dibromo-o-nitrophenylfluorone by Primary-Secondary Wavelength Spectrophotometry

by Hong-Wen Gao and Lin-Qian Yu

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, P.R. China

Key words:  aluminum, dibromo-o-nitrophenylfluorone, primary-secondary wavelength spectrometry

The reaction between aluminum (Al3+) and new chromogenic reagent, dibromo-o-nitrophenylfluorone (DBNPF) is sensitive at pH 8.5 and selective in the presence of sodium cyanide. Because of the effect of excess of DBNPF, the new procedure named as primary-secondary wavelengths spectrophotometry (PSWS) is applied in the detrmination of trace amounts of aluminum instead of the ordinary spectrophotometry. This work shows that such a method gives better precision and lower detection limit than the ordinary method. By analyzing several samples and comparing data obtained with the conventional method, all results are satisfactory.

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