Chemia Analityczna Volume 46, Number 1
(January - February 2001)

Radioanalytical Determination of 55Fe and 63Ni in the Environmental Samples

by Bogdan Skwarzec1, Elis Holm2, Dagmara I. Struminska1

1University of Gdansk, Faculty of Chemistry, Chair of Analytical Chemistry, 18/19 Sobieskiego Str., 80-952 Gdansk, Poland
2Lund University, Radiation Physics Department, Lasarettet, 221 85 Lund Sweden

Key words:  iron 55Fe, nickel 63Ni, radioanalytical determination, b-spectrometry, environment

The radioanalytical procedures for the determination of neutron activation isotopes (55Fe and 63Ni) in environmental samples (water, sediment, soil and biological material) are described. The procedures are based on the coprecipitation of 55Fe with iron hydroxide in natural and reactor water, ashing and mineralization of sediments, soil and biota samples, and sequential separation and purification of the iron and nickel on anion exchange resin. The separated elements are electroplated onto copper discs and activity of 55Fe and 63Ni is measured by beta spectrometry using anti-coincidence Geiger-Müller gas flow counter.

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