_________Spis prac opublikowanych w 2011r._______


1. Granicka L. Antosiak-Iwańska M. Godlewska E, Strawski M. Szklarczyk M. Maranowski B. Kowalewski C. Wiśniewski J.,  Conformal nano-thin modified polyelectrolyte coatings for encapsulation of cellsArtificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology  2011

2. Bieńkowski K. Strawski M. Szklarczyk M., The determination of electrochemically deposited polymer thickness in dependence of counter anion. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry  662  (2011) 196-203         

3. Maciejewska J. Pisarek K. Bartosiewicz I. Krysiński P. Jackowska K. Bieguński.,   Selective detection of dopamine on poly (idole -5-carboxylic acid) electrode. Electrochimica Acta   56  (2011)  3700-3706

4. Benzerara K., Menguy N., Obst M., Stolarski J., Mazur M., Tylisczak T., Brown G. E. Jr., Meibom A.,  Study of the crystallographic architecture of corals at the nanoscale by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy  111 (2011) 1268-1275

5. Janiszewska K., Stolarski J., Benzerara K., Meibom A., Mazur M., Kitahara M. V.,  Cairns S. D.,   A Unique Skeletal Microstructure of the Deep-Sea Micrabaciid Scleractinian Corals.   Journal of Morphology  272 (2011) 191-203

6. Kepinska D., Blanchard G. J., Krysinski P., Stolarski J., Kijewska K., Mazur M.,
Pyrene-Loaded Polypyrrole Microvessels.   Langmuir  27 (2011) 12720-12729

7. Stolarski J., Kitahara M. V., Miller D. J., Cairns S. D., Mazur M., Meibom A., The   ancient evolutionary origins of Scleractinia revealed by azooxanthellate corals. BMC Evolutionary Biology    11 (2011) 316

8. Szot K. Jonsson-Niedziolka M. Palys B. Niedziolka-Jonsson J.,  One-step  electrodeposition of carbon-silicate sponge assisted by a three-phase junction for efficient bioelectrocatalysis.  Electrochemistry Communications  13 ( 2011) 566-569 

9. Niedziolka-Jonsson J. Jonsson-Niedziolka M. Nogala W. Palys B.,                           Electrosynthesis of thin sol-gel films at three-phase junction. Electrochimica Acta   56 ( 2011)  3311-3316  

10. Swiech O. Hryniewicz-Sudnik N. Palys B. Kaim A. Bilewicz R.,  Gold nanoparticles tethered to gold surfaces using nitroxyl radicals.  Journal of Physical Chemistry C  115 ( 2011)  7347-7354             

11.  Nieciecka D., Krysiński P., Interactions of doxorubicin with self-assembled monolayer-modified electrodes: electrochemical, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and gravimetric studies.  Langmuir  27 (2011) 1100-1107         

12. Skompska M., Tarajko-Ważny A.,Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance  studies of polymerization and redox process of poly(1,8-diaminocarbazole in protic and aprotic solutions.  Electrochimica Acta  56  (2011)  3494-3499

13. Vorotyntsev M. A., Skompska M., Rajchowska A., Borysiuk J., Donten M., New Strategy towards Electroactive Polymer-Inorganic Nanostructure Composites. Silver Nanoparticles inside Polypyrrole Matrix with Pendant Titanocene Dichloride Complexes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 662 (     2011) 105-115

14. Zarebska K., Skompska M., Electrodeposition of CdS from acidic aqueous thiosulfate solution - invesitigation of the mechanism by electrochemical quartz microbalance technique.  Electrochimica Acta  56 ( 2011)  5731-5738.


 _________Spis prac opublikowanych w 2010r.________

1.  Pałys B. Marzec M. Rogalski J., Poly-o-aminophenol as laccase mediator and influence of the enzyme on the polymer electrodeposition.  Bioelectrochemistry 80 (2010)  43-48

2.  Kijeńska M. Kowalska E. Pałys B. Ryczkowski J., Degradability of composites of low density polyethylene/polypropylene blends filled with rape straw.  Polymer Degradation and Stability. 95  (2010)   536-542

3. Wawrzyniak U.E. Wozny M. Mames I. Pałys B. Korybut-Daszkiewicz B., Bilewicz R.,    Interactions of dithiolated tetraazamacrocyclic copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes self-assembled on gold electrodes with pi-electron deficient molecules in solution.  Dalton Transactions  39  (2010)  730-735

4. Skompska M.,   Hybrid Conjugated Polymer/Semiconductor Photovoltaic Cells”  Synthetic Metals  160  (2010)  1-15

5. Skompska M. Vorotyntsev M. A. Rajchowska A., Levin O.V., Mixed solutions of  silver cation and chloride anion in acetonitrile: voltammetric and EQCM study.
Journal of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics  12   (2010)  10525-10535

6. Kisiel A. Mazur M. Kusnieruk S. Kijewska K. Krysinski P. Michalska A.,   Polypyrrole microcapsules as a transducer for ion-selective electrodes. Electrochemistry Communications  12  (2010)  1568-1571

7. Kubacka D. Krysinski P. Blanchard G.J. Stolarski J. Mazur M.,  Toluene-filled polypyrrole microvessels: Entrapment and dynamics of encapsulated perylene.  Journal of Physical Chemistry  B   114 (2010)  14890-14896.
8. Strawski M. Szklarczyk M.,  Determination of diffusion coefficient of o- alkoxyanilines by RDE technique at platinum electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry  641  (2010)  23-27

9. Bieńkowski K. Strawski M. Maranowski B. Szklarczyk M.,  Studies of stoichiometry of electrochemically grown CdSe deposits.  Electrochimica Acta  55 (2010)  8908-8915    

 10. Bieguński A. Frydrychiewicz A. Osial M. Jackowska K., Electrochemical oxidation of    catechol at poly(indole-5-carboxylic acid) electrode.  Russian Journal of Electrochemistry  46  (2010)  1297-1305.

    11.  Makowska A. Siporska A. Oracz P. Szydłowski J.,   Miscibility of Trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium Chloride with Alkanes.  Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data  55  (2010)  2829-2832              


_________Spis prac opublikowanych w 2009r.________

1. Granicka L.H., Antosiak-Iwanska M., Godlewska E, Hoser G, Strawski M, Szklarczyk M, Dudzinski K.,The experimental study of polyelectrolyte coatings suitability for encapsulation of cells. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology. 37 (2009) 187-194

2. Ostrowski S., Brzozowski R., Oracz P., Bujnowski Z., Dobrowolski J. Cz., Eqilibrium Mixture of the Triisopropylbenzenes. A Combined Experimental and DFT Study. Catalysis Communications . 10 (2009) 1595-1598

3. Tarajko A., Cybulski H., Chmielewski M. J., Bukowska J., Skompska M., Electrochemical and spectroscopic characterization of poly(1,8-diaminocarbazole). Part I. Electropolymerization and determination of the polymer structure by FTIR studies and DFT calculations. Electrochimica Acta  54 (2009) 4743-4750. 

4. Tarajko A., Kamińska-Michota A., Cybulski H., Chmielewski M. J,. Bukowska J,. Skompska M.,   Electrochemical and spectroscopic characterization of poly(1,8-diamino-carbazole). Part II. Electrochemical, in-situ Vis/NIR and Raman studies of redox reaction of PDACz in protic and aprotic media.  Electrochimica Acta  54 ( 2009)  4751-4759        

5. Refczyńska M., Skompska M.,  Influence of poly(3,4-dioctyloxythiophene) and carbon nanotubes on photoelectrochemical properties of CdS nanostructures    Journal of Physics: Conference Series  146 (2009) 1-6 

6. Skompska M., Hybrid Conjugated Polymer/Semiconductor Photovoltaic Cells  Synthetic Metals  160 ( 2009) 1-15

7. Mazur M.,  Preparation of surface-supported polypyrrole capsules using a solidified droplets template approach.  Journal of Physical Chemistry B  113 (2009) 728–733

8. Brzozowska M., Krysiński P.,  Synthesis and functionalisation of magnetic nanoparticles with covalently bound electroactive compound doxorubicin. Electrochimica Acta  54 (2009)  5065-5070

9. Brzozowska M., Oberts B.P., Blanchard G.J., Majewski J., Krysinski P., Design and characterization of novel tether layer for coupling a bilayer lipid membrane to   the surface of gold.  Langmuir  25 (2009  9337-9345

10. Dominska M., Krysinski P., Blanchard G.J.,  Interrogating interfacial organization in planar bilayer structures,  Langmuir  24 (2009) 8785-8793

11. Nowicka, A.M., Kowalczyk A., Donten, M., Krysinski P., Stojek, Z.,  Influence of a magnetic nanoparticle as a drug carrier on the activity of anticancer drugs: Interactions of double stranded DNA and doxorubicin modified with a carrier.  Analytical Chemistry 81 (2009)   7474-7483.

12. Mazur M., Krywko-Cendrowska A., Krysinski P., Rogalski J.,  Encapsulation of laccase in a conducting polymer matrix: A simple route towards polypyrrole microcontainers,  Synthetic Metals  159 (2009)  1731-1738.

13. Stolarski J., Gorzelak P., Mazur M., Marrocchi Y., Meibom A., Nanostructural and geochemical features of the Jurassic isocrinid columnal ossicles. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica  54 (2009)  69-75

14. Wawrzyniak U. E., Wozny M., Mames I., Palys B., Korybut-Daszkiewicz B., Bilewicz R., Interactions of dithiolated tetraazamacrocyclic copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes self-assembled on gold electrodes with pi-electron deficient molecules in solution. Dalton Transactions  39 (2010)  730-735 

15. Kijenska M., Kowalska E., Palys B., Ryczkowski J., Dagradability of composites of low density polyethylene/polypropylene blends filled with rape straw. Polymer Degradation and Stability