Jerzy Golimowski

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Golimowski

Warsaw University
Faculty of Chemistry
ul. Pasteura 1
PL-02-093 Warszawa

tel./fax: (48-22) 82202211 ext. 341

Born: April 12th, 1942, Zgierz, Poland



Membership of scientific societies:

International experience:

Teaching experience:
Lectures for students of Faculties: Chemistry, Biology, Interfaculty Studies of Environmental Protection at Warsaw University and at Private High School of Humanities in Pultusk/Ciechanow.

Areas of Scientific Activity:
Environmental analytical chemistry. Development of analytical methods for determination of trace elements in environmental samples. Biomonitoring studies with respect to Environmental Specimen Banking. Bioremediation studies. Monitoring of utilisation methods of domestic wastes. Problems of soil contamination by fertilisers and atmospheric fallout. Analytical monitoring of industrial processes. Speciation of elements in soil and plant material. Modern methods of sample preparation and digestion procedure.


1.   Panusz H., Wasiak T., Golimowski J., “The basic Specol spectrocolorimeter unit used for microtitration”. Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw). 181.215 (1973 )


2.   Rubel S., Golimowski J., "Kompleksometryczne oznaczanie niklu w stopach Pt-Ni", Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw)., 18,443(1973)


3.   Rubel S., Golimowski  J.,  Wojciechowski M., "Polarographic methods of galvanic wastes analysis. I. Determination of iron, copper and chromium", Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw), 19,1155(1974)


4.   Golimowski J., Rubel S., "Polarographic  methods of galvanic wastes analysis. II. Determination of copper, cadmium, nickel, zinc, lead and iron" Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw) 19,1155(1974)


5.   Golimowski J., Rubel S., Łada Z. M., "Polarograficzne  metody anlizy ścieków galwanicznych. III. Oznaczanie miedzi, ołowiu, kadmu i cynku w ściekach cyjankalicznych", Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw) 20,199(1975).


6.   Golimowski J., Rubel S., Stryjewska E., Vorbrodt  Z., "Polarograficzne metody oznaczania Pb, Cd, Fe, Ni i  Zn w ściekach hutnictwa miedzi po jej wstępnym oddzieleniu",  Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw) 22,739(1977).


7.   Golimowski J., "Polarograficzne  oznaczanie  niklu i  żelaza w ferromagnetycznych powłokach galwanicznych", Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw) 22, 951(1977).


8.      Rubel S., Łada Z. M., Golimowski J., "Metoda oddzielenia miedzi na modyfikowanym węglu aktywnym przed  polarograficznym oznaczaniem  Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Fe w wodach  odpadowych", Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw) 22, 795(1977).


9.   Rubel S., Stryjewska E., Golimowski J., "Voltammetric determination of trace amount of silver in metllic copper", Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw) 24, 247(1979).


10. Golimowski J., Valenta P., Stoeppler  M.,  Nürnberg  H.W., "A  Rapid  High  Performance Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Toxic  Trace  Metals  in  Urine",  Talanta, 26, 649(1979).


11. Sipos L., Golimowski J., Valenta P., Nürnberg H. W.,  "New Voltammetric Procedure for the Simultaneous Determination of Copper and Mercury in Environmental Samples",  Fresenius  Z. Anal. Chem., 298, 1(1979).


12. Golimowski J., Valenta P.,  Nürnberg  H.  W.,  "Toxic  Trace Metals in Food. I. A New Voltammetric Procedure  for  Toxic Trace Metal Control of Wines", Z. Lebensm.  Unters.  Forsch. 168, 353 (1979).


13. Golimowski J., Valenta P., Stoeppler  M.,  Nürnberg  H.  W., "Toxic Trace Metals in Food. II A Comparative Study  of  the Levels of Toxic Trace Metals in Wine  by  Differential  Puls Anodic Stripping Voltammetry and Electrothermal  Atomic Absorption Spectrometry",  Z. Lebensm.  Unters. Forsch.168, 439 (1979).


14. Sipos L., Golimowski J., Valenta P., Nürnberg H.W., Branica M., "A new voltammetric method for the simultaneous determination of  Cu and Hg in sea water" Mer Medit.,25/26, 9 (1979)


15. Golimowski  J.,  Nürnberg   H.   W.,   Valenta   P.,  "Die Voltammetrische Bestimmung toxischer Spurenmetalle in Wein", Lebensmittelchemie u. gerichtl. Chemie, 34, 116 (1980).


16. Frischkorn G.C.B., Smyth M. R., Frischkorn H.E., Golimowski J.,"Spurenbestimmung Oestrogenwirkender Masthilfsmittel in Fleisch durch HPLC mit voltammetrischer Detektion", Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 300, 407 (1980).


17. Pihlar B, Valenta P., Golimowski J., Nürnberg  H.  W.,  "Die voltammetrische  Bestimmung   toxischer Spurenmetalle   in Kommunalen   Abwässern   und  im  Ablauf biologischer Kläranlagen", Z. Wasser Abwasser Forschung, 13, 130 (1980).


18. Gustavsson I.,Golimowski J., "Analysis of  mercury  in  fish muscle samples by  ASV  -  technique",  Sci. Tot.  Environ, 22, 85 (1981).


19. Golimowski J., Sikorska A., "A voltammetric  method  of  the determination of toxic  heavy  metals  in surface  waters", Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw)l., 28, 411(1983).


20. Golimowski J.,Gustavsson I., "Determination of mercury in freeze-dried muscle samples of pike, cod and perch using an ASV-technique"  Sci. Tot. Environ. 31, 89 (1983).


21. Golimowski J., Szynkarczuk I., "Woltamperometryczne oznaczanie metali w ściekach przemysłu maszynowego",  Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw), 28, 291 (1983).


22. Golimowski J., Cendrowska  M., "Woltamperometryczna  metoda oznaczania śladowych ilości niklu i kobaltu w niektórych materiałach biologicznych", Chem. Anal (Warsaw), 30, 777 (1985).

23. Ostapczuk P., Apel M., Bagschik U., Golimowski J., May K., Mohl C., Stoeppler M., Valenta P., Nürnberg H.W., "Moderne spurenanalytische Methoden zur Bestimmung von Arsen, Blei, Cadmium, Chrom, Kobalt, Kupfer, Nickel, Quecksilber, Selen und Zink in Wein"  Lebensmittelchemie. gerichtl. Chemie 39, 59 (1985). 

24. Breder R., Nürnberg H. W., Golimowski J., Stoeppler M., "Toxic Metal Levels in the River Rhine" in  "Pollutants and Their Ecotoxicological Significance" Ed. Nürnberg H. W., John Wiley Sons Ltd. 1985 Chapter 15, pp. 205-225.

25. Golimowski J., Valenta P., Nürnberg H. W., "Trace Determination of Chromium in Various Water Types by Adsorption Differential Pulse Voltammetry"  Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 322, 315-322 (1985).

26. Golimowski J., "Trace analysis of iron in environmental water and snow samples from Poland"  Anal. Lett. 22, 481-492 (1989)

27. Golimowski J., Merks A. G. A., Valenta P., "Trends in heavy metals levels in dissolved and particulate phase in the Dutch Rhine- Maas Delta. Sci. Total Environ. 92, 113-127 (1990).

28. Postupolski A., Golimowski J., "Trace determination of antimony and bismuth in snow and water samples by stripping voltammetry"  Electroanalysis 37, 93-797 (1991)

29. Golimowski J., Najdeker E., "Voltammetric determination of nickel and palladium in plating baths"  Fresenius Z. Anal.Chem. 339, 868-870(1991)

30. Dmowski K., Golimowski J.,"Feathers of the magpie (Pica pica) as a bioindicator material for heavy metal pollution assessment"  Sci. Tot Environ. 139/140, 251-258 (1993).

31. Golimowski J., Tykarska A., " Voltammetric methods for determina­tion of heavy metals in domestic waste and compost produced from it"   Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 349, 620-624 (1994).

32. Golimowski J., Orzechowska A., Tykarska A., "Voltammetric methods for determination of mercury in domestic waste and compost"  Fresenius J. Anal Chem. 351, 656-659(1995).

33. Golimowski J., Krasnodębska B., Najdeker E., "Voltammetric determination of Cr (III) in plating baths containing Cr(III) salts as the main component" Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 352, 544-546 (1995)

34. Godlewska B., Golimowski J., Hulanicki A., van den Berg C.M.G., "determination of cobalt in blood using cathodic Stripping voltammetry",  Analyst 120, 143-147 (1995)

35. Golimowski J., Tykarska A.,Melian J.A.H.,Perez Pena J., "The determination of cobalt in water samples by cathodic stripping voltammetry", Chem. Anal.(Warsaw), 40, 201 (1995).

36. Golimowski J., Dmowski K., "Voltammetric determination of mercury in bird feathers for biomonitoring studies"  Chem. Anal.(Warsaw) 40, 13-19. (1995) 

37. Girousi S., Voulgaropoulos A., Ayiannidis A., Golimowski J., Janicki M., "Determination of cobalt in vegetable animal food stuffs by differential pulse adsorptive voltammetry using a-benzil dioxime" Sci. Tot. Environment 176, 135-139 (1995)

38. Golimowski  J.,  Szczepańska T.,  "Voltammetric determinaton of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni in interstitial waters from Baltic sea. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 354, 735-737 (1996)

39. Golimowski J., Golimowska K., "UV photooxidation as pretreatment step in inorganic analysis of environmental samples"  Anal. Chim. Acta, 325, 111-133 (1996)   

40.  Lisiewicz M., Golimowski J., Krauß P., Wallenhorst Th. “Cu, Cd, Pb, Be, Hg in atmospheric fallout in Baden-Württemberg and eastern France area in autumn 1992-spring 1993 period in cities, in autumn 1992-autumn 1993 period in other areas”-Toxic.Environ. Chem. 61,117-125 (1997).


41.  Golimowski J., Dmowski K.,, “Polish matrices for environmental specimen bank” Chemosphere 34, 1989-1995 (1997). 


42.  Girousi S.Th., Voulgaropoulos A.N., Golimowski J., “Voltammetric Determination of Vitamin B12 (as Cobalt) after UV Digestion ” Chem. Anal. 42, 589-593 (1997)


43.  Golimowski J., Lisiewicz M., Szynkarczuk I.,  “Voltammetric determination of nickel as impurity in copper sulphate”  Chem. Anal., 43, 829-832 (1998)  


44.  Lisiewicz M., Golimowski J., Krauß P., Wallenhorst Th., “Load of Pb, Cd, Hg, Be and Cu with sedimenting dusts in the city of Karlsruhe in Winter 1992/93-autumn period. A spatial and temporal variations study” Chem. Anal. 43, 881-886 (1998).  


45.  Golimowski J., Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., “Voltammetric determination of heavy metals leached from ceramics”   Fresenius J. Anal.Chem 361,65-68 (1998)


46. Kowalska J., Golimowski J., “Voltammetric determination of arsenic in zinc oxide used as a feed additive” Electroanalysis, 10/12, 857-859 (1998).  


47.  Grdeń M., Czerwiński A., Golimowski J., Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Bulska E., Marassi R., Zamponi S., Hydrogen Electrosorption in Ni-Pd Alloys.  J. Electroanal.Chem.460,30-37 (1999)     


48. Kowalska J., Stryjewska E., Szymański P., Golimowski J., “Voltammetric determination of arsenic in plant material” Electroanalysis, 11/17,1301-1304 (1999).  


49. Gawryś M., Golimowski J., “Application of Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry for iron determination with catechol in quarz and silica glass samples” Electroanalysis, 11/17, 1318-1320 (1999).  


50. Sawicki M.G. Kleps J., Golimowski J., "1H NMR Quantitative analysis of acetates long chain fatty acids and phenols in humus sample of muncipal solid wastes after methane fermentation"  Chem. Anal. (Warsaw) 44, 667-675 (1999).   


51. Gawryś M., Golimowski J., Orska-Gawryś J., “Determination of titanium in silica and silica glass samples by adsorptive stripping voltammetry” Anal. Lett. 33/7,1327-1338,  (2000).


52. Gawryś M., Golimowski J. "Analytical control of sillica glass production. Voltammetric determination of titanium and iron in raw materials and glass samples" Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 367,763-765 (2000)


53. Gawryś M., Golimowski J., “Sensitive and very selective determination of titanium by adsorptive-cathatytic stripping voltammetry with methylthymol blue, xylenol orange and calcein, Anal.Chim.Acta  427/1, 55-61 (2000).  


54.  Lisiewicz M., Heimburger  R., Golimowski J., “Granulometry and the content of toxic and potentially toxic elemrnts in vacum-cleaner collected, indoor dusts of the city of Warsaw” Sci.Total.Environ. 263, 69-78 (2000).


55.  Gawryś M., Golimowski J., Orska-Gawryś J., „Determination of titanium in quartz and silica glas samples by adsorptive stripping voltammetry” Anal. Letters 33 (7) 1327 – 1338 (2000)


56.  Kowalska J., Golimowski J., Kaźmierska E., "Determination of total and mobile arsenic content in soils" Electroanalysis 13 (10) (2001) 872-875


57.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Emons H., Golimowski J. „Selective leaching of elements combined with Mn-Fe oxidws in forest soil and comparison of two sequential extraction differ in extractants for leaching of reducible fraction” Fresenius J. Anal.Chem. 371(2001)385-390


58.  Gawryś M., Golimowski J., Zawistowska K., Lisiewicz M., Gałabuda K., Boos A., „Comprehensive study of silica glass production using ICP-MS and ICP-AES methods” Anal.Lett. 34/11 (2001)1955-


59.  Golimowski J. Koda E. Assessment of remedial works effectiveness on water quality in the vicinity of "Łubna" landfill based on monitoring research Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University-SGGW, Land Reclamation 32,2001,17-30


60.  Kowalska J. Krasnodębska-Ostręga B. Golimowski J. Electroanalytical methods for determination of the metal content and acetic-acid-available metal fractions in soils             Analytical and  Bioanalytical. Chemistry.373, 2002, 116-118.


61.  Huczko A. Chojecki G. Golimowski J. Kowalska K. Dziadko D. Tanaka H. Ishigaki T. „Plasma processing of incineration ashes” Ecological Chemistry and Engineering 9(1), (2002) ,10-20


62.  Gawryś M. Golimowski J., Novel, Sensitive Voltammetric Methods for Titanium Determination Using Chromotropic Acid and Azo-Compouds as Complexing Agents” Electroanalysis, 2002


63.  Lange H., Huczko A., Chojecki G., Golimowski J., Płotczyk W.,W., Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Dziadko D.,Pacheco J., Ishigaki T., Tanaka H., Plasma treatment of incineration ashes Acta Agrophysica 80 (2002) 327-334


64.  Lange H., Huczko A. Chojecki G. Golimowski J. W.W.Potczyk, B. Krasnodbska-Ostręga  “RF Therrmal plasma partial melting of domestic waste incineration ashes” Hight Temp. Material Processes 7(2003)383-389


65.  Gawryś M., Golimowski J., Novel, Sensitive Voltammetric Methods for Titanium Determination Using Chromotropic Acid and Azo-Compouds as Complexing Agents Electroanalysis 15 (2003) 1017-1022


66.  Dybko A., Zachara J., Golimowski J., Wróblewski W.Miniaturised back-side contact transducer for potentiometric sensor Analitica Chimica Acta 485 (2003) 103-109


67.  Godlewska-Żyłkiewicz B., Leśniewska B., Golimowski J. Systematic errors in the determination of trace metals by GFAAS technique, Part I Microchimica Acta 143 (2003) 13-17


68.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Emons H., Golimowski J. Element fractionation in soil from urban – industrialized areas using sequential extraction Journal of Soils and Sediments 4 (2004) 43-48


69.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Golimowski J. Element Fractionation in Suspendet Matter in Landfill Leachate Using Single Extraction Microchimica Acta 146 (2004) 7-11


70.  Golimowski J. The Laboratory of Applied Analytical Chemistry in Warsaw, G.T.I. Laboratory Journal, 8 (2004) 16-17


71.  Kowalska J., Huszal S., Sawicki M. G., Asztemborska M., Stryjewska E., Szalacha E., Golimowski J., Gawronski S. W. Voltammetric Determination of Platinum in Plant Material Electroanalysis 16 (2004) 1266-1270


72.  Lewera A., Miecznikowski K., Chojak M., Makowski O., Golimowski J., Kulesza P. Iterative Absolute Electroanalytical Approach to Characterization of Bulk Redox Conducting Systems  Analytical Chemistry 76 (2004) 2694-2699


73.  Huczko A., Sadowska A., Bystrzejewski M., Lange H., Golimowski J., Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Soucy G., Cota-Sanchez G. Plazmochemiczna przeróbka stałych odpadów pospaleniowych cz.I, Chemia i Inżynieria Ekologiczna 11/52 (2004) 189-198


74.  Huczko A., Sadowska A., Bystrzejewski M., Lange H., Golimowski J., Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Soucy G., Cota-Sanchez G. Plazmochemiczna przeróbka stałych odpadów pospaleniowych cz.II Chemia i Inżynieria Ekologiczna 11/52 (2004) 95-105


75.  Huszał S., Kowalska J., Krzemińska M., Golimowski J., Determination of platinum with thiosemicarbazide by catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry  Electroanalysis 17 (2005) 299-304


76.  Kowalska J., Asztemborska M., Godlewska-Żyłkiewicz B., Golimowski J. Systematic errors in the determination of trace metals, Part II. Memory effects of quartz vessels used for sample preparation in the determination of ultra-trace levels of platinum Microchimica Acta 150 (2005) 55-58


77.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Dmowski K., Stryjewska E., Golimowski J., Determination of thallium and other elements (As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Se, Sb and Zn) in water and sediment samples from the vicinity of the Zinc-Lead Smelter in Poland,  Journal of soils and sediments, 5 (2005) 71-73


78.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Stryjewska E., Golimowski J. Voltammetric determination of  thallium and lead in sediment samples Chem.  Anal.(Warsaw) 50 (2005) 807-809


79.  Huszal S., Kowalska J.,Sadowska M., Golimowski J. Simultaneous determination of platinum and rhodium with hydroxylamine and acetone oxime by catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetry,  Electroanalysis 17 (2005) 1841-1846


80.  Kowalska J., Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Golimowski J. Electrochemistry as a powerful tool in the environmental studies,  G.T.I. Laboratory Journal, 9 (2005) 38-39


81.  Kowalska J., Asztemborska M., Miśkiewicz I.,Stryjewska E, Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Golimowski J., Preparation of control material for platinum determination, Chem.Anal.(Warsaw) 51 (2006) 489-498


82.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Kaczorowska M., Golimowski J., Ultrasound-assisted extraction for the evaluation of element mobility In bottom sediment collected At miting and smelting Pb-Zn ores area In Poland, Miocrochimica Acta 154 (2006) 39-43


83.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Pałdyna J., Golimowski J.,  Determination of thallium at a silver-gold alloy electrode by voltammetric methods In plant material and bottom sediment containing Cd and Pb,  Electroanalysis 19 (2007) 620-622


84.  Stryjewska E., Kowalska J., Łepczyk N., Golimowski J., Carbon nanotube – modified electrodes for thiol compouds detection, Chem. Anal (Warsaw) 52 (2007) 1037-1047



85.  Jedynak Ł., Kieroński P., Kowalska J., Golimowski J., Arsenic speciation by HPLC-UV in highly contaminated water samples, Chem.Anal.(Warsaw) 53 (2008) 557-568


86.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Asztemborska M., Strusińska., Golimowski J., Determination of thallium forms in plant extracts by anion exchange chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection IC-ICP-MS),  Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 23 (2008) 1632-1635


87.  Jedynak Ł., Kowalska J., Harasimowicz J., Golimowski J., Speciation analysis of arsenic in terrestrial plants from arsenic contaminated area, Science of the Total Environment 407 (2009) 945-952


88.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Pałdyna J., Kowalska J., Jedynak Ł., Golimowski J., Fractionation study in bioleached metallurgy wastes using six-step sequential extraction, Journal of Hazardous Materials  167 (2009) 128-135


89.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Pałdyna J., Golimowski J., Kania M., Simultaneous determination of thallium and cadmium at bismuth film electrode in waste-water samples containing Cd, Tl and Pb, Chem. Anal.(Warsaw) 54(2009)109-113


90.  Migdalski J., Baś B., Blaz T., Golimowski J., Lewenstam A., A miniaturized and integrated galvanic cell for the potentiometric measurements of ions in biological liquids, (przyjęty do druku) Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry  doi:10.1007/s10008-008-0602-7


91.  Pawłowski P., Michalska A., Wojciechowski M., Golimowski J., Bulska E.,Maksymiuk K., Element profiles in galvanostatically polarized K+-selective all-solid-sate sensors with poly(vinyl chloride)-based membranes, (przyjęty do druku) Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry doi:10.1007/s10008-008-0578-3


92.  Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Jedynak Ł., Galus M., Pałdyna J., Kowalska J., Golimowski J. Fractionation of selected elements In water samples from the mining and smelting area In Bukowno Chem. Anal.(Warsaw)  54(2009)1009-1019


93.  Bystrzejewska_Piotrowska G, Golimowski J., Urban P.,Nanoparticles:Their potential toxicity, waste and environmental management, Waste Management 29(2009)2587-2595


94.  Migdalski J., Baś B., Blaz T., Golimowski J., A miniaturized and integrated galvanic cell for the potentiometric measurement of ions in biological liquids           Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 13(2009)149-155


95.  Pawłowski P., Michalska A., Wojciechowski M., Golimowski J., Bulska E., Maksymiuk K., Element profiles In galvanostatically polarized K+-selective all-solid-state sensors with oly(vinyl chrloride)-based membranes, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 13 (2009)107-113


96.  Pałdyna J. , Krasnodębska-Ostręga B., Golimowski J. Ograniczenie wpływu bioługowanych odpadów przemysłu metalurgicznego na środowisko, Przegląd Geologiczny, 57 (12), (2009) 1090-1095


97.  Jedynak Ł., Kowalska J., Kossykowska M., Golimowski J., Studies on the uptake of different arsenic forms and the influence of sample pretreatment on arsenic speciation in White mustard (Sinapis alba), Microchemical Journal, 94(2010)125-129