Third Microsymposium of the "International Scholarship Program for Graduate Studies in Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw - From simple molecules to nanostructured and bioactive materials"
October 6 - 8th, 2011, Palace in Łochów, Poland
Friday Oct. 7th

17:00 - 16:30 - Paweł Siuda

Clathrate Hydrates – shifting accents, growing importance

Clathrate hydrates are believed to become very important in near future in the fields of energy production (methane hydrate), carbon dioxide sequestration, natural gas transport etc. However, it is today that their impact on our civilisation is tremendous, as last year's oil spill to Gulf of Mexico from BP platform have shown.

In my talk I will discuss lately revealed aspects of methane clathrate hydrates influence on oil and gas production. I will also present calculated at DFT/B3LYP/HuzIII-su3 level of theory NMR data characterising carbon dioxide sI type clathrate hydrate. Interesting behaviour of carbon atom shielding constants will be described.



Stronę oprac. Adam Myśliński