Joint Symposium of the International PhD Programs
MPD/2008/1 (UW), MPD/2010/4 (WUT/UW), MPD/2009 3/2 (IBB PAS and IIMCB)
October 5 - 8th, 2012, Hotel Pułtusk Castle, Poland
Session IX

Gary Blanchard, (UW)(Consortium Member),
Michigan State University, - Invited Lecture and MPD-UW Program Evaluation

Anthracycline Photoreactivity and Iron Complexation

Krzysztof Nawara,1,2 Pawel Krysinski1 and G. J. Blanchard2
1University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Warsaw, Poland
2Michigan State University, Department of Chemistry, East Lansing, MI USA