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[ Dr hab. Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga - strona główna ] >> [ Przebieg pracy naukowej ]


  1. B. Lejbt, N. Ospina-Alvarez, K. Miecznikowski, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “TiO2 assisted photo-oxidation of wastewater prior to voltammetric determination of trace metals: eco-friendly alternative to traditional digestion methods”, Appl Surface Science, accepted in 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.01.11;
  2. E. Biaduń, M. Sadowska, N. Ospina-Alvarez, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “Direct speciation analysis of thallium based on solid phase extraction and specific retention of a Tl(III) complex on alumina coated with sodium dodecyl sulfate”, Microchim Acta, 183, 177-183 (2016);
  3. M. Sadowska, E. Biaduń, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “Stability of Tl(III) in the context of speciation analysis of thallium in plants”, Chemosphere, 144, 1216-1223 (2016);
  4. K. Kińska, M. Sadowska, M. Biesaga, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Kowalska, “The role of phytochelatins in Sinapis alba L. response to stress caused by two toxic elements As and Tl”, Intern J Environ Anal Chem, 95, 1148-1156 (2015);
  5. K. Dmowski, M. Rossa , J. Kowalska, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “Thallium in spawn, juveniles, and adult common toads (Bufo bufo) living in the vicinity of a zinc-mining complex, Poland”, Environ Monit Assess, 187, 4141 (2015);
  6. N. Ospina-Alvarez, P. Burakiewicz, M. Sadowska, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “Tl(I) and Tl(III) presence in Suspended Particulate Matter: Speciation analysis of thallium in wastewater”, Environmental Chemistry, 12, 374-379 (2015);
  7. N. Ospina-Alvarez, Ł. Głaz, K. Dmowski, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “Mobility of toxic elements in carbonate sediments from a mining area in Poland”, Environ Chem Lett, 12, 435-441 (2014);
  8. J. Kowalska, K. Kińska, J. Pałdyna, M. Czyżewska, K. Boder, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “Determination of traces of Pt and Rh in soil and quartz samples contaminated by automobile exhaust after an ion-exchange matrix separation”, Talanta, 127, 250-254 (2014);
  9. J. Pałdyna, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, M. Sadowska, J. Gołębiewska, “Indirect speciation analysis of thallium in plant extracts by anodic stripping voltammetry”, Electroanal, 25, 1926-1932 (2013);
  10. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, M. Sadowska, K. Piotrowska, M. Wojda, “Thallium (III) determination in the Baltic seawater samples by ICP MS after preconcentration on SGX C18 modified with DDTC”, Talanta, 112, 73-79 (2013);
  11. A.M. Nowicka, M. Mackiewicz, E. Matysiak, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, Z. Stojek, “Voltammetric and electrochemical gravimetric selective detection of interactions between Tl(I) and guanineandthe influenceon activity of DNA drug-intercalators”, Talanta, 106, 85-91 (2013);
  12. J. Pałdyna, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, K. Kręgielewska, J. Kowalska, Ł. Jedynak, J. Golimowski, T. Grobelski, J. Farbiszewska-Kiczma, T. Farbiszewska, “The assessment of environmental pollution caused by mining and metallurgy wastes from highly polluted post-industrial regions in Southern Poland”, Environ Earth Sci, 68, 439-450 (2013);
  13. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, M. Sadowska; S. Ostrowska, “Thallium speciation in plant tissues-Tl(III) found in Sinapis alba L. grown in soil polluted with tailing sediment containing thallium minerals”, Talanta, 93, 326-329 (2012);
  14. J. Kowalska, I. Giska, Ł. Jedynak, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Pałdyna, M. Sadowska, J. Golimowski, “Voltammetry as a reference method in the process of preparation of plant control material containing As, Pt and Tl”, Electroanal, 24, 1109-1113 (2012);
  15. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, M. Sadowska, A. Wiśniewska, “Speciation analysis of thallium in white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) grown in the presence of thallium nitrate”, Progress on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Chapter: 29, Maralte Books, 2012 online;
  16. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, M. Sadowska, “Jak dostrzec mrówkę w cieniu słonia - czyli wykrywanie i oznaczanie utlenionej formy talu w próbkach środowiskowych”, Analityka - nauka i praktyka, 2, 12-16 (2011);
  17. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Pałdyna, M. Wawrzyńska, E. Stryjewska, “Indirect anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Tl(I) and Tl(III) in the Baltic Sea water samples enriched in thallium species”, Electroanalysis, 23, 605-610 (2011);
  18. J. Pałdyna, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Golimowski, “Ograniczenie wpływu bioługowanych odpadów przemysłu metalurgicznego na środowisko”, Przegląd Geologiczny, 57, 1090-1095 (2009);
  19. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, Ł. Jedynak, M.Galus, J. Pałdyna, J. Kowalska, J. Golimowski, “Fractination of selected elements in water samples from the miting and smelting area in Bukowno”, Chem Anal. (Warsaw), 54, 1009-1019 (2009);
  20. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Pałdyna, J. Golimowski. M. Kania, “Simultaneous determination of thallium and cadmium at bismuth film electrode in waste-water samples containing Cd, Tl and Pb”, Chem Anal. (Warsaw), 54, 109-113 (2009);
  21. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Pałdyna, J. Kowalska,Ł. Jedynak, J. Golimowski, “Fractionation study In biolleached metallurgy wastes Rusing six-step sequential extraction”, J. Hazard. Mat., 167, 128-135 (2009);
  22. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, M. Asztemborska, K. Strusińska J. Golimowski, “Determination of thallium form In plants extracts by anion exchange chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection (IC-ICP-MS)”, J.Anal.At. Spectrom., 23, 1632-1635 (2008);
  23. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Golimowski, “Thallus - zielona gałązka, która truje”, Analityka, 4, xx-xx (2007);
  24. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Pałdyna, J. Golimowski, “Determination of thallium at silver-gold alloy electrode by voltammetric methods in plant material and bottom sediment containing Cd and Pb”, Electroanalysis, 19, 620-622 (2007);
  25. J. Kowalska, M. Asztemborska, I. Mickiewicz, E. Stryjowska, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, Golimowski J., “Preparation of control material for platinum determination In plants samples”, Chem Anal. (Warsaw), 51, 489-498 (2006);
  26. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, M. Kaczorowska, J. Golimowski, “Ultrasound-assisted extraction for evaluation of element mobility in bottom sediment collected at mining and smelting Pb-Zn ores area In Poland”, Microchimica Acta, 154, 39-43 (2006);
  27. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, K. Dmowski, E. Stryjewska, J. Golimowski, “Determination of thallium and other toxic elements (As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Se, Sb, and Zn) in water and sediment samples from the vicinity of the zinc-lead smelter in Poland”, JSS - J. Soils§Sediments, 5, 71-73 (2005);
  28. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, E. Stryjewska, J. Golimowski, “Voltammetric determination of thallium and lead in sediment samples”, Chem Anal. (Warsaw), 50, 807-810 (2005);
  29. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Piekarska, “Determination of lead and cadmium at silver electrode by subtractive anodic stripping voltammetry in plant materials containhg Tl”, Electroanalysis, 17, 815-818 (2005);
  30. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, E. Stryjewska, “Voltammetric determination of thallium in water and plant material”, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 49, 519-526 (2004);
  31. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Golimowski, “Element fractionation in suspended matter in landfill leachate using single extractions”, Microchimica Acta, 146, 7-11 (2004);
  32. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, H. Emons, J. Golimowski, “Element fractionation in soil from urban - industrialized areas using sequential extraction”, JSS - J. Soils§Sediments, 4/1, 43-48 (2004);
  33. H. Lange, A. Huczko, G. Chojecki, J. Golimowski, W.W. Plotczyk, B. Krasnodebska-Ostrega, T. Ishigaki, H. Tanaka, “RF thermal plasma partial melting of domestic waste incineration ashes”, High Temperature Material Processes, 7, 383-389 (2003);
  34. H. Lange, A. Huczko, G. Chojecki, J. Golimowski, W.W. Plotczyk, B. Krasnodebska-Ostrega, T. Ishigaki, H. Tanaka, “RF thermal plasma partial melting of domestic waste incineration ashes”, Rozdział w książce Progress in plasma processing of materials, P. Fauchais, Begell Haose, inc. New York- Wallingford UK, 765-771 (2003);
  35. A. Huczko, A. Sadowska, M. Bystrzejewski, H. Lange, J. Golimowski, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, G. Soucy, G. Cota-Sanchez, “Plazmochemiczna przeróbka stałych odpadów pospaleniowych”, Chemia i Inżynieria Ekologiczna, 10, 3-12 (2003);
  36. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Kowalska, “Use of ultrasound energy for shortening acetic acid extraction of metals from soils”, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 48, 967-xxx (2003);
  37. H. Lange, A. Huczko, G. Chojecki, J. Golimowski, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga,, D. Dziadko, J. Pacheco, T. Ishigaki H. Tanaka, “Plasma treatment of incineration ashes”, Acta Agrophsica, 80, 327-334 (2002);
  38. J. Kowalska, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Golimowski, “Electroanalytical methods for determination of the metal content and acetic-acid- available metal fraction in soils”, J. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 373, 116-118 (2002);
  39. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, D. Dymkowska, “Optymalizacja warunków ekstrakcji metali ciężkich z gleb z wykorzystaniem energii ultradźwięków”, Przegląd Geologiczny, 49, 998-999 (2001);
  40. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, H. Emons, J. Golimowski, “Selective leaching of elements associated with Mn-Fe oxides in forest soil, and comparison of two sequential extraction methods”, Fresnius J. Anal. Chem., 371, 385-390 (2001);
  41. M. Grdeń, A. Czerwiński, J. Golimowski, E. Bulska, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, R. Marassi, S. Zamponi, “Hydrogen electrosorption in Ni-Pd alloys”, J. Electroanal. Chem., 460, 30-37 (1999);
  42. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, J. Golimowski, H. Emons, “Comparison of two sequential extraction differ in extractants for leaching of reducible fraction forest soil”, Przegląd Geologiczny, 46, 87-xx (1998);
  43. J. Golimowski, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, “Voltametric determination of heavy metals leached from ceramic”, Fresnius J. Anal. Chem., 361, 65-68 (1998);
  44. J. Arunachalam, H. Emons, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, C. Mohl, “Sequential extraction studies on homogenized forest soil samples”, Tot. Sci. Environ., 181, 147-159 (1996);
  45. B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, C. Marin, C. Mohl, M.A. Moreno, F. Vinagre, C. Toro and P. Ostapczuk, “Results of the interlaboratory comparison: eucalyptus leaves unpolluted and polluted by traffic”, Heavy metals in Environment, Hamburg, CEP Consultants Ltd 1995, 2, 297-301 (1995);
  46. J. Golimowski, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, E. Najdeker, “Voltammetric determination of Cr III in plating bath containing Cr III salts as the main component”, Fresnius J. Anal. Chem., 352, 544-546 (1995);
  47. E. Stryjewska, B. Krasnodębska-Ostręga, H. Biała, J. Teperk, S. Rubel, “Heavy metal determination in moss samples from the Kampinos National Park”, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 39, 483-xxx (1994).