Representative Publications:

M. Trojanowicz, M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzyńska, M.E. Meyerhoff, G.B. Martin, "Application of tetraphenylporphyrin - silica as stationary phases in HPLC and for preconcentration of trace elements", Egypt. J. Anal. Chem., 6, 1997, 50-57
M. Biesaga, J. Orska, M. Trojanowicz, "HPLC of amino acids with tetraphenylporphyrin stationary phases", Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 43, 1998, 647-656
M. Biesaga, J. Orska, D. Fiertek, J. Izdebski, M. Trojanowicz, "Immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography of peptides on metalloporphyrin stationary phases", Fresenius J. Anal. Chem 364, 1999, 160-164
M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzyńska, M. Trojanowicz, "Porphyrin in analytical chemistry", Talanta, 51, 2000, 209-224
M. Biesaga, E. Stolarczyk, K. Pyrzynska, M.Trojanowicz "Retention of anions on silica based metalloporphyrin stationary phases", Anal.Sci., 18, 2002, 151-154
I.Surowiec, J. Orska-Gawrys, M. Biesaga, K. Urbanska-Walczak, R. Halko, M. Hutta, M. Trojanowicz, "Identyfication of natural dyestuff in Coptic textiles by HPLC with fluorometric detection", Analytical Letters, 36, 2003, 1211-1229
P. Wojcik, K. Pyrzyńska, M. Biesaga, "Ion-chromatography of inorganic selenium species with a preliminary preconcentration step", Chromatographia, 57, 2003, 67-71
M. Biesaga, N. Schmidt, A. Seubert, "Coupled ion chromatography for the determination of chloride, phosphate and sulphate in concentrated nitric acid", J. Chromatography A, 1026, 2004, 119-128
M. Biesaga, A. Jankowska, K. Pyrzynska, "Comparison of different sorbents for solid phase extraction of phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicides", Microchimica Acta, 150, 2005, 317-322
M. Biesaga, A. Stafiej, K. Pyrzynska, P.Drzewicz, M.Trojanowicz "Chromatographic determination of the products of gamma radiolysis of aqueous solution of chlorophenoxy acid herbicides", Chem. Anal, 50, 2005, 863-873
M. Biesaga, A. Wach, M. Donten, J. Maik, K. Pyrzynska, "Acidic hydrolysis and extraction of natural dyes present in plants and ancient textiles", Chem. Anal (Warsaw), 51, 2006, 251-265
M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, "Evaluation of carbon nanotubes as a sorbent dicamba herbicide", J. Sep. Sci, 29, 2006, 2241-2244
M. Biesaga, A. Stafiej, K. Pyrzynska, "Sorption behaviour of acidic herbicides on carbon nanotubes", Microchimica Acta, 159, 2007, 293-298
M. Biesaga, A. Stafiej, K. Pyrzynska, "Extraction and hydrolysis parameters for determination of quercetin in Hypericum perfloratum", Chromatografia, 65, 2007, 699-704
A. Wach, K. Pyrzynska, M. Biesaga, "Quercetin content in some food and herbal samples", Food Chemistry, 100 (2), 2007, 119-128
M. Biesaga, U. Ochnik, K. Pyrzynska, "Analysis of phenolic acids in fruits by HPLC with monolithic column", J. Sep. Sci., 30, 2007, 2929-2934
M. Biesaga, A. Stafiej, K. Pyrzynska, "Sorption behaviour of acidic herbicides on carbon nanotubes", Microchimica Acta, 159, 2007, 293-298
A. Osytek, M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, M.Szewczynska, "Quantification of some active compounds in air at pharmaceutical workplaces by HPLC", J.Biochem. Biophys. Methods, 70, 2008, 1283-1286
A. Michalkiewicz,M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, "Solid phase extraction procedure for determination of phenolic acids and some flavonols in honey", J. Chromatogr. A, 1187, 2008, 18-24
M. Biesaga, U. Ochnik, K. Pyrzynska, "Fast analysis of prominent flavonoids in tomato using a monolithic column and isocratic HPLC", J. Sep. Sci., 32, 2009, 2835-2840
M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, "Liquid chromatography/tandem nass spectrometry studies of the phenolic compounds in honey", J. Chromatograph. A, 1216, 2009, 6620-6626
M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, "Analytical Procedures for Determination of Quercetin and its Glycosides in Plant Material", Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 39, 2009, 95-107
K. Pyrzynska,M. Biesaga, "Analysis of phenolic acids and flavonoids in honey ", Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 28, 2009, 893-902
M. Biesaga, "Influence of extraction methods on stability of flavonoids", J. Chromatograph. A, 1218, 2011, 2505-2512
A. Pekal, M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, "Interaction of quercetin with copper ions – complexation, oxidation and reactivity towards radicals", Biometals, 24, 2011, 41-49
I. Degano, M. Biesaga, M. P. Colombini, M. Trojanowicz, "Historical and archaeological textiles: An insight on degradation products of wool and silk yarns ", J. Chromatogr. A, 1218, 2011, 5837– 5847
A. Pekal, P. Drozdz, M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska "Evaluation of the antioxidant properties of fruit and flavoured black teas", Eur. J. Nutr., 50, 2011. 681–688
B. Witkowski, M. Biesaga, T. Gierczak, „Proteinaceous binders identification in the works of art using ion-pairing free reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry”, Anal. Methods, 4, 2012, 1221–1228.
A. Pekal, P. Drózdz, M.Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, „Screening of the antioxidant properties and polyphenol composition of aromatised green tea infusions”, J. Sci. Food Agric., 92, 2012, 2244–2249.
A. Pekal, P. Drózdz, M.Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, „Polyphenolic content and comparative antioxidant capacity of flavoured black teas” Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr., 63, 2012, 742–748.
M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, „Stability of bioactive polyphenols from honey during different extraction methods”, Food Chem., 136, 2013, 46–54.
A. Sentkowska, M. Biesaga, K. Pyrzynska, „Effects of the operation parameters on HILIC separation of flavonoids on zwitterionic column” Talanta, 115, 2013, 284-290
Pekal A., Biesaga M., Pyrzynska K., „Trace metals and flavonoids in different types of tea”, Food Science and Biotechnology 22, 2013, 925-930.
I. Sergiel, P. Pohl, M. Biesaga, Characterization of honeys according to their content of phenolic compounds using high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, Food Chemistry, 2014, 404–408
I. Sergiel, P. Pohl, M. Biesaga, A. Mironczyk, Suitability of three-dimensional synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for fingerprint analysis of honey samples with reference to their phenolic profiles chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, Food Chemistry 145, 2014, 319-326
Sentkowska A., Biesaga M. Pyrzynska K, „Polyphenolic composition and antioxidated properties of Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis L.) extract affected by different breving processes”, Journal of Food Properties, 18, 2015, 2009-2014.
Witkowski W, Surowiecka-Pastewka A., Biesaga M, Gierczak T, „Experimental comparison of efficiency of first aid dressings in burning white phosphorous on bacon model”, Medical Science Monitor 2015, 2361-2366
Witkowski B, Szablowska A, Malesa M, Ganeczko M, Biesaga M, Kalita M, Gierczak T, „Analysis of Latex Protein Content by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS)”, Analytical Methods 7, 2015, 10376-10384.
Kowalska J, Kinska K, Sadowska M, Biesaga M, Krasnodebska-Ostrega B, “The role of phytochelatins in Sinapis alba L. response to stress caused by two toxic elements As and Tl”, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 95 (12), 2015,1148-1156
Sentkowska A., Biesaga M,. Pyrzynska K., „Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatographic Analysis of Quercetin and its Glycosides, Current Analytical Chemistry, 12, 2016, 60-64.
Sentkowska A., Biesaga M,. Pyrzynska K., „Application of Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography for the Quantification of Flavonoids in Genista tinctoria Extract” Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2016,,
Sentkowska A., Biesaga M,. Pyrzynska K., Effects of brewing process on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of herbs, Food Science and Biotechnology, 2016, 25, (4), 965–970,
Sentkowska A., Biesaga M,. Pyrzynska K., Retention study of flavonoids under different chromatographic modes, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 54 (4), 2016, 516–522
Lopez-Martinez N., Fernandez-Trujillo JP., Biesaga M., Zavaleta-Mejia E., The false root-knot nematode nacobbus aberrans reduces the level of compounds associated with defense responses of chilli pepper, Journal of Nematology, 48 (4), 2016, 344-345
Kowalska J., Kinska K., Biesaga M., Asztemborska M, Application of selective extraction and reverse phase chromatography with three detectors – PAD, FLD and ESI MS for characterization of platinum metabolites and identification of phytochelatins in Sinapis alba L. tissues, Microchemical Journal 132, 2017, 198–204
Witkowski B., Ganeczko M., Hryszko H., Stachurska M., Gierczak T., Biesaga M., Identification of orcein and selected natural dyes in 14th and 15th century liturgical paraments with high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to the electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI/MS/MS), Microchemical Journal 133 (2017) 370–379
Witkowski B., Duchnowicz A., Ganeczko M., Laudy A., Gierczak T., Biesaga M., Identification of proteins, drying oils, waxes and resins in the works of art micro-samples by chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques, J. Sep. Sci. 41, 2018, 630-638.

Chapters in books:

M. Biesaga, K. Czaplicka, T. Gilevska, K. Pyrzynska, Influence of Extraction Methods on Stability of Polyphenols - chapter in Polyphenols: Food Sources, Bioactive Properties and Antioxidant Effects (Editor D.T. Cobb), Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2014, ISBN: 978-1-63117-857-3
Sentkowska, M. Biesaga and K. Pyrzynska, Application of HILIC column for the determination of catechins Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2015 149-157
Sentkowska, A. Pekal, P. Drózdz,M. Biesaga and K. Pyrzynska, Aromatized green teas – the content of flavonoids and metals, Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2015 137-148
Sentkowska A.,, Biesaga M, Pyrzynska K., Nova Publishers (New York), Quercetin Food Sources, Anioxidant Properties and Health: Chapter 9: Analytical problems in extraction of quercetin and its glycosides from food samples 2015 195-208
Gwiazdon M, Biesaga M, Nova Publishers (New York), Quercetin Food Sources, Anioxidant properties and Health: Chapter 10: Effects Stability of quercetin and its glycosides in the presence of saliva 2015 209-222
Gwiazdon M, Biesaga M, Nova Publishers (New York), Phenolic Compounds: Types, Effects and Research: Chapter 4: Metabolite profiling of chlorogenic acid 2017 105-131
Gwiazdon M, Biesaga M, Nova Publishers (New York), Phenolic Compounds: Types, Effects and Research: Chapter 5: Phenolic compounds in plant materials 2017 133-177