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Polish-Swiss Research Programme
Projekt współfinansowany przez Szwajcarię w ramach szwajcarskiego programu współpracy z nowymi krajami członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej
Projektowanie Lipidowych Mezofaz Ciekłokrystalicznych jako Nowych Funkcjonalnych Nanomateriałów dla Bioenergetyki i Bioczujników
Nr Projektu
  • PSPB-079/2010
  • Wartość współfinasowania: 1 033 731,39 CHF
  • Przyznane dofinansowanie (Swiss contribution): 86,82%
  • Wkład budżetu państwa: 13,18%
  • Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Chemii
  • Uniwersytet w Zurychu, Instytut Chemii Organicznej
  • Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Zakład Biochemii
Okres realizacji
  • Data rozpoczęcia realizacji projektu: 21.01.2012
  • Data zakończenia realizacji projektu: 30.06.2016
  • Synteza lipidów odpornych na działanie enzymów lipolitycznych
  • Izolacja, oczyszczanie oraz modyfikacja enzymów oksydoredukcyjnych
  • Konstrukcja lipidowych mezofaz zawierających różne lipidy i białka
  • Charakterystyka otrzymanych układów mezofazowych
  • Zastosowanie otrzymanych układów w bioenergetyce oraz przy konstrukcji biosensorów
  • Zespoły z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (zespół prof. Renaty Bilewicz oraz zespół prof. Pawła Krysińskiego) zajmują się przygotowaniem i badaniami fizykochemicznymi mezofaz, konstrukcją modyfikowanych elektrod oraz zastosowaniem uzyskanych materiałów w układach przenoszenia leków i urządzeniach bioelektronicznych.
  • Grupa lubelska (zespół prof. Jerzego Rogalskiego, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie) izoluje i modyfikuje białka enzymatyczne.
  • W zespole Partnera szwajcarskiego (zespoły prof. Ehuda Landau'a oraz prof. Jay Siegela z Instytutu Chemii Organicznej Uniwersytetu w Zurychu) projektuje się oraz syntezuje nowe lipidy.
Rezultaty Lista publikacji:
  1. E. Nazaruk, E. Górecka, R. Bilewicz
    Enzymes and Mediators Hosted Together in Lipidic Mesophases for the Construction of Biodevices
    J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 385 (2012) 130-136.
  2. D. Nieciecka, K. Nawara, K. Kijewska, A.M. Nowicka, M. Mazur, P. Krysiński
    Solid-core and hollow magnetic nanostructures: synthesis, surface modifications and biological applications
    Bioelectrochemistry, 93 (2013) 2-14.
  3. S. Sęk, J. Pawłowski
    Supported Phospholipid Bilayers. AFM Imaging of Lipid Vesicles Fusion and Spreading
    G.I.T. Imaging & Microscopy 3/2012
  4. P. Krysiński, K. Jackowska
    New trends in the electrochemical sensing of dopamine
    Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 405 (2013) 3753-3771.
  5. D. Nieciecka, A. Królikowska, A. Joniec, P. Krysiński
    Partitioning of doxorubicin into Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett biomimetic mixed monolayers: Electrochemical and spectroscopic studies
    J. Electroanal. Chem., 710 (2013) 59-69.
  6. O. Swiech, P. Dutkiewicz, K. Wójciuk, K. Chmurski, M. Kruszewski, R. Bilewicz
    Cyclodextrin Derivatives Conjugated with Aromatic Moieties as pH-responsive Drug Carriers for Anthracycline
    J. Phys. Chem. B, 117 (2013), 13444-13450.
  7. B. Rola, M. Karaśkiewicz, D. Majdecka, I. Mazur, R. Bilewicz, J. Rogalski, S. Ohga
    up of Cerrena unicolor Laccase Production
    J.Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ., 58(2), 2013, 231-238.
  8. D. Nieciecka, A. Joniec, G.J. Blanchard, P. Krysiński
    Interactions of Doxorubicin with Organized Interfacial Assebblies. 1. Electrochemical Characterization
    Langmuir, 29 (2013) 14560-14569.
  9. D. Nieciecka, A. Królikowska, I. Setiawan, P. Krysiński, G.J. Blanchard
    Interactions of Doxorubicin with Organized Interfacial Assebblies. 2. Spectroscopic Characterization
    Langmuir 29 (2013) 14570-14579.
  10. E. Nazaruk, M. Szlęzak, E. Górecka, R. Bilewicz, Y. M. Osornio, P. Uebelhart, E. M. Landau
    Design and Assembly of pH-Sensitive Lipidic Cubic Phase Matrices for Drug Release
    Langmuir, 30 (2014) 1383-1390.
  11. M. Karaskiewicz, D. Majdecka, A. Wieckowska, J. F. Biernat, J. Rogalski, R. Bilewicz
    Induced-fit binding of laccase to gold and carbon electrodes for the biological fuel cell applications
    Electrochimica Acta, 126 (2014) 132-138.
  12. E. Nazaruk, E. M. Landau, R. Bilewicz
    Membrane Bound Enzyme Hosted in Liquid Crystalline Cubic Phase for Sensing and Fuel Cells
    Electrochim. Acta 140 (2014) 96-100.
  13. D. Matyszewska, S. Sek, E. Jabłonowska, B. Pałys, J. Pawlowski, R. Bilewicz, F. Konrad, Y. M. Osornio, E. M. Landau
    Dependence of Interfacial Film Organization on Lipid Molecular Structure
    Langmuir 30 (2014) 11329-11339.
  14. A. Pawlik.,G. Janusz.,I. Dębska, E. Siwulski, M. Frąc, J. Rogalski
    Genetic and Metabolic Intraspecific Biodiversity of Ganoderma lucidum
    BioMed Research International, (2015) Article ID 726149.
  15. N. Rahanyan-Kagi, S. Aleandri, C. Speziale, R. Mezzenga, E. M. Landau
    Stimuli-Responsive Lipidic Cubic Phase: Triggered Release and Sequestration of Guest Molecules
    Chem. Eur. J. 21 (2015) 1873 - 1877.
  16. D. Majdecka, S. Draminska, K. Stolarczyk, M. Kizling, P. Krysinski, J. Golimowski, J. F. Biernat, R. Bilewicz
    Sandwich Biobattery with Enzymatic Cathode and Zinc Anode Integrated with Sensor
    J. Electrochem. Soc. 162 (2015) F555-F559.
  17. D. Nieciecka, A. Królikowska, P. Krysinski
    Probing the interactions of mitoxantrone with biomimetic membranes with electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques
    Electrochim. Acta 165 (2015) 430-442.
  18. D. Matyszewska, K. Brzezińska, J. Juhaniewicz, R. Bilewicz
    pH dependence of daunorubicin interactions with model DMPC: Cholesterol membranes
    Colloids Surf. B (20015) doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.07.001
  19. B. Rola, A. Pawlik, M. Frąc, W. Małek, Z. Targoński, J. Rogalski, G. Janusz
    The phenotypic and genomic diversity of Aspergillus strains producing glucose dehydrogenase
    Acta Biochim Pol., 62 (2015) 747-755.
  20. I. Mazur, B. Rola, K. Stolarczyk, E. Nazaruk, R. Bilewicz, J. Rogalski, S. Ohga
    The Large Scale Production of Cerrena unicolor Laccase on Waste Agricultural Based Media
    J. Fac. Agricult. Kyush. Univ., 60 (2015) 297-302.
  21. E. Nazaruk, P. Miszta, S. Filipek, E. Gorecka, E. M. Landau, R. Bilewicz
    Lyotropic Cubic Phases for Drug Delivery: Diffusion and Sustained Release from the Mesophase Evaluated by Electrochemical Methods
    Langmuir 31 (2015) 12753-12761.
  22. S. Aleandri, D. Bandera, R. Mezzenga, E. M. Landau
    Biotinylated Cubosomes: A Versatile Tool for Active Targeting and Codelivery of Paclitaxel and a Fluorescein-Based Lipid Dye
    Langmuir 31 (2015) 12770-12776.
  23. S. Aleandri, C. Speziale, R. Mezzenga, E. M. Landau
    Design of Light-Triggered Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Mesophases and Their Application as Molecular Switches in "On Demand" Release
    Langmuir 31 (2015) 6981-6987.
  24. C. Traunsteiner, S. Sek, V. Huber, C. Valero-Vidala, J. Kunze-Liebhäuser
    Laccase immobilized on a mixed thiol monolayer on Au(111) - structure-dependent activity towards oxygen reduction
    Electrochim. Acta 213 (2016) 761-770.
Wystąpienia konferencyjne:
  1. M. Karaśkiewicz "Mediator-free, compartmentless biofuel cell based on laccase bioconjugates and glucose dehydrogenase", Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry, 11-14.04.2012, Funchal, Madeira
  2. D. Nieciecka "Leki interkalujące DNA - transport przez błony biomimetyczne",29. Spring Meeting of Student Section of Polish Chemical Society, 18-22.04.2012, Łazy, Poland
  3. M. Karaśkiewicz, "Biofuel Cell Based on Carbon Nanotubes with Covalently Bound Laccase and Perfluorinated Compounds", ECS Meeting, 6-10.05.2012, Seattle, USA (poster)
  4. R. Bilewicz "Materials for Mediator-free Electron Transfer in Enzymatic Electrodes of Biobatteries and Biofuel Cells", ECS Meeting, 6-10.05.2012, Seattle, USA (oral presentation)
  5. R. Bilewicz "Mediator-free electron transfer in enzymatic electrodes of biobatteries and biofuel cells" ESEAC, 3-7.06.2012, Portoroz, Slovenia (oral presentation)
  6. R. Bilewicz, "Zielona energia- ogniwa enzymatyczne", PTBioch, Warsaw, Poland
  7. S. Sęk, "Structure and Dynamics of Thiolated Lipid Films on Au(111)", ISPM, 18.06.012, Toronto, Canada (oral presentation)
  8. T. Pawłowski, "AFM Studies of Solid-Supported Phospholpid Bilayers formed by Vesicle Fusion", ISPM, 18.06.012, Toronto, Canada (poster)
  9. M. Karaśkiewicz "Mediator-free, Compartmentless Biofuel Cell Based On Laccase Bioconjugates And Glucose Dehydrogenase", ISE Meeting, 19-24.08. 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (poster)
  10. O. Święch "Electrochemical Study of TEMPO Radical Covered Gold Nanoparticles Immobilized on Gold Electrode Surfaces", ISE Meeting, 19-24.08. 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (poster)
  11. J. Juhaniewicz, "Studies of the interaction of melittin with model lipid membranes", ISE Meeting, 19-24.08. 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (oral presentation)
  12. R. Bilewicz, "Enzymes and Mediators Hosted in Lipidic Mesophases for the Construction of Biodevices", ISE Meeting, 19-24.08. 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (oral presentation)
  13. D. Nieciecka, "Oddziaływanie antracyklin z membranami biomimetycznymi", 55 PTChem Meeting,16-20.09.2012, Białystok, Poland (poster)
  14. P. Krysiński "Nanocząstki magnetyczne: synteza oraz modyfikacja powierzchni lekiem przeciwnowotworowym - doksorubicyną", 55 PTChem Meeting,16-20.09.2012, Białystok, Poland (oral presentation)
  15. R. Bilewicz "Wiring enzymes to electrodes in biobatteries and biofuel cells",12th Polish - Japanese Seminar on BIOMEASUREMENTS AND HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS, 9-10.11.2012, Warsaw, Poland
  16. J. Pawłowski, 1st NanoSaxony Scientific Symposium, 11.12.2012, Chemnitz, Germany
  17. M. Karaskiewicz "AA battery- shape biofuel cell based on carbon nanotubes modified with phytochemical compounds at the biocathode", 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (oral presentation)
  18. K. Stolarczyk, "Carbon Nanotubes Covalently Modified with Glucose Oxidase and Dehydrogenase for Biofuel Cells" 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (oral presentation)
  19. O. Święch, "New derivatives of cyclodextrins as a pH-sensitive drug carriers for anthracycline", " 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (oral presentation)
  20. D. Łyp, "Biobattery Based on Carbon Nanotube Structured Biocathode and Plated Zinc Anode", 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (poster)
  21. A. Więckowska, "Laccase - Substrate Interaction - Surface Plasmon Resonance Study", 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (poster)
  22. E. Nazaruk, R. Bilewicz, "Tailored Lipidic Cubic Phases as Novel Drug Delivery System" 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (poster)
  23. J. Pawłowski "Structural Diversity and Nanomechanical Stability of Solid-Supported Phospholipid Bilayers Formed by Vesicle Fusion" 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (poster)
  24. D. Nieciecka, "Interaction of Anthracycline Drug with Model Membrane System" 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany (poster)
  25. P. Krysiński, 17-21.03.2013, Bochum, Germany
  26. R. Bilewicz, "Electrochemically stimulated motion in supramolecular chemistry", 2-4.06.2013, Umea, Sweden (lecture).
  27. S. Sęk, "Modulation of Electron Transmission through Self-Assembled Monolayer of Helical Peptides", NanoMeasure Scientific Symposium, 25-26.06.2013, Warszawa (oral presentation).
  28. J. Pawłowski, "Structural Diversity and Nanomechanical Stability of Solid-supported Phospholipid Bilayers Formed by Vesicle Fusion." NanoMeasure Scientific Symposium, 25-26.06.2013, Warszawa. (poster).
  29. D. Łyp, "Hybrid Biofuel Cell with Carbon Nanotube Structured Enzymatic Cathode and Zinc Anode", 9th ECHEMS Meeting, 23-26.07.2013, Łochów.
  30. O. Święch, "TEMPO coated Au nanoparticles: synthesis and tethering to gold surfaces", 23-26.07.2013, Łochów.
  31. B. Rola "The Cerrena unicolor laccase overproduction on waste agricultural based media", 38 FEBS Congress, 6-11.07.2013, St. Petersburg, Rosja, (poster).
  32. A. Pawlik "Biochemical properties of intracellular laccase produced by Sinorhizobium Meliloti strain originated from Poland", 38 FEBS Congress, 6-11.07.2013, St. Petersburg, Rosja, (poster).
  33. D. Nieciecka "Anthracycline drug - permeation through the biomembranes", 3rd Conference Innovation in Drug Delivery: Advances in Local Drug Delivery; 22-26.09.2013; Pisa, Włochy (poster).
  34. R. Bilewicz "Switching between drug storage and release by pH-responsive drug carriers", The Sixth International Workshop on Surface modification for chemical and biochemical sensing, SMCBS'2013, 8-12.11.2013, Łochów, Poland, (oral presentation).
  35. P. Krysiński "Surface modification and miniaturization for implantable electrochemical sensing of catecholamines" SMCBS'2013, 8-12.11.2013, Łochów, Poland, (oral presentation).
  36. M. Karaśkiewicz, "AA battery - shaped biofuel cell based on carbon nanotubes modified with fructose and sorbitol dehydrogenases" SMCBS'2013, 8-12.11.2013, Łochów, Poland (poster).
  37. J. Pawłowski, "Pore formation and lateral disruption of lipid membranes in response to action of bee venom toxin" SMCBS'2013, 8-12.11.2013, Łochów, Poland, (poster).
  38. D. Nieciecka, "Interactions of Doxorubicin with Organized Interfacial Assemblies" SMCBS'2013, 8-12.11.2013, Łochów, Poland, (poster).
  39. D. Majdecka (Łyp), "Design of Biobattery with Enzymatic Cathode and Zinc Anode for Powering Neurotransmitter Sensor"SMCBS'2013, 8-12.11.2013, Łochów, Poland, (poster).
  40. M. Kizling, "Improving Efficiency of Electrodes in Flow Enzymatic Biobattery and Biofuel Cell" SMCBS'2013, 8-12.11.2013, Łochów, Poland, (poster).
  41. R. Bilewicz, "Ordering of 2-Octadecanoylaminoacetic Acid at Air-Water and Solution-Au(111) Interfaces", 15th Topical Meeting of ISE, 28-30.04.2014, Niagara Falls, Canada, (invited lecture).
  42. R. Bilewicz, "Biobattery with Enzymatic Cathode and Zinc Anode for Powering Sensors", 225 ECS Meeting, Orlando, USA, 11-15.05.2014 (invited lecture).
  43. Lidia J. Góralska "Core - Shell" Au Nanoparticles Characterization and Application in Drug Delivery", Elecnano Conference, 26-28.05.2014, Paris, France (poster).
  44. P. Dutkiewicz "?-Cyclodextrin derivative conjugated with lipoic acid moiety as pH-responsive drug carrier for methotrexate", 17th International Cyclodextrin Symposium; 29-31.05.2014r.; Saarbrücken, Germany, (poster).
  45. R. Bilewicz, "Lipidowe fazy ciekłokrystaliczne jako nośniki leków i enzymów" XIII Conference: "Elektroanaliza w Teorii I w Praktyce", 5-6.06.2014, Cracow, Poland (plenary lecture).
  46. R. Bilewicz, "Lipidic mesophases on electrodes as host biomimetic materials for drugs and enzymes" ESEAC, 11-15.06.2014, Malmo, Sweden (plenary lecture).
  47. E. Nazaruk "Design and Assembly of pH-Sensitive Lipidic Cubic Phase Matrices for Drug Release" 11-15.06.2014, Malmo, Sweden (poster).
  48. K. Stolarczyk "Biocathode in self-powered system for dioxygen monitoring" 11-15.06.2014, Malmo, Sweden (poster).
  49. S. Dramińska "Biobattery Powered Sensor for Neurotransmitters" 11-15.06.2014, Malmo, Sweden (poster).
  50. M. Szlęzak "Cytochrome c biosensor based on liquid crystalline cubic phase doped with cytochrome c reductase" 11-15.06.2014, Malmo, Sweden (poster).
  51. J. Gębura, "Isolation of cytochrome c oxidase from different sources" Conference BIO2014, 09-12.07.2014, Warsaw, Poland, (poster).
  52. B. Rola, "Glucose dehydrogenase from Aspergillus niger -selection of the best enzyme producer and optimization of culture conditions", Conference BIO2014, 09-12.07.2014, Warsaw, Poland (poster).
  53. A. Pawlik, "Effect of Selected Chemical Agents on Bacterial Laccase Catalytic Activity" Conference BIO2014, 09-12.07.2014, Warsaw, Poland, (poster).
  54. E. Nazaruk, "Electrochemical studies of lipidic liquid crystalline cubic phase films hosting membrane bound enzymes" Bicontinuous Cubic Satellite Conf. 2014, 30.07 - 02.08.2014, Brisbane, Australia (oral presentation).
  55. M. Szlęzak, Bicontinuous Cubic Satellite Conf. 2014, 30.07 - 02.08.2014, Brisbane, Australia (poster).
  56. R. Bilewicz, "pH-Dependent Drug Release from the Drug Carrier Monitored by Voltammetry", 65th Annual Meeting of ISE, 31.08-05.09.2014, Lausanne, Switzerland: (oral presentation).
  57. P. Krysiński, "Partitioning of Doxorubicin into Biomimetic Layers: Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies" 65th Annual Meeting of ISE, 31.08-05.09.2014, Lausanne, Switzerland (poster).
  58. J. Juhaniewicz, "Interactions of Cecropin B with Model Lipid Membranes" 65th Annual Meeting of ISE, 31.08-05.09.2014, Lausanne, Switzerland (poster).
  59. O. Święch, "Application of New Derivatives of Cyclodextrin in pH-sensitive, Multifunctiona, Drug" 65th Annual Meeting of ISE, 31.08-05.09.2014, Lausanne, Switzerland (poster).
  60. R. Bilewicz, "Bioelektrochemia białek w lipidowych mezofazach ciekłokrystalicznych na elektrodach" 57th Meeting PTChem, 14-18.09.2014, Częstochowa, Poland (oral presentation).
  61. E.M. Landau, "Design and synthesis of functional lipidic biomaterials for the encapsulation and triggered release of drugs in ocular applications" ISOPT, 19-22.06.2014, Reykiavik, Iceland (poster)
  62. B. Rola "Application of GDH-FAD in design of biosensors for unconventional methods of environmental protection", Sympozjum "Biotechnologia środowiskowa", 21-22.05.2015, Gliwice, Poland (poster)
  63. B. Rola, "Glucose dehydrogenase production and analysis of Aspergillus strains metabolic diversity, using carbon-source utilization profiles",6th Weigl International Conference on Microbiology, 08-10.07.2015, Gdańsk, Poland (poster)
  64. B. Rola "Analysis of dehydogenase glucose expression in Aspergillus fungi", Microbiology in Medicine, Industry, and Environment protection, 24-25.10.2015, Łódź, Poland (poster)
  65. E. Landau, "Molecular Design of Lipids with Novel Phase Behavior: Implications for Low Temperature Membrane Protein Crystallization", Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, 7-11.02.2015, Baltimore, USA (poster)
  66. E. Landau, "Concepts and Applications of Mesoscopic Lipidic Nanomaterials in Biomedicine", 20.02.2015, The Bridge Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA (invited lecture)
  67. E. Landau, "Concepts and Applications of Mesoscopic Lipidic Nanomaterials in Biomedicine" Workshop on Nanoparticles at the Interface between Biology and the Materials World, 5-6.07.2015, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (invited lecture)
  68. S. Aleandri, Simone, "Light-responsive lyotropic liquid crystal mesophases: triggered release of guest molecules" 20th International Symposium on Microencapsulation (IMS 2015), 1-3.10.2015, Boston USA (poster and oral presentation)
  69. M. Dzwonek, "Synthesis and characterization of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles and its application in bioelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen", Elecnano 7, 23-25.05.2016, Lille, France (poster)
  70. M. Kizling, "Application of monomethyl ether methacrylate and ethylene glycol methacrylate phosphate copolymer as hydrogel electrolyte in enzymatic fuel cell", Elecnano 7, 23-25.05.2016, Lille, France (poster)
  71. M. Dzwonek, "Synteza I charakterystyka nanocząstek złota oraz ich zastosowanie w układach przenoszenia leków", "NanoBioMateriały - teoria i praktyka", 2-3.06.2016, Toruń, Poland (poster)
  72. M. Kizling, "Zastosowanie hydrożelowych elektrolitów na bazie kopolimeru pochodnych metakrylanowych w technologii enzymatycznych ogniw paliwowych", "NanoBioMateriały - teoria i praktyka", 2-3.06.2016, Toruń, Poland (poster)
  73. A. Krzak, "Pochodna cyklodekstryny jako nośnik leku w terapii przeciwnowotworowej", "NanoBioMateriały - teoria i praktyka", 2-3.06.2016, Toruń, Poland (poster)