Faculty of Chemistry | University of Warsaw
CEEPUS logo 16th CEEPUS Symposium
and Summer School on Bioanalysis
July 6 - 15, 2016, Warsaw, Poland
Location and Venue
The symposium will take place in the Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CENT III) of the University of Warsaw at the Science University Campus in Ochota district. ¯wirki i Wigury Street is one of the main traffic arteries of the Ochota district of Warsaw.
The Registration and the Welcome Party will take place at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw.
The location of the Centre (red pinpoint) and the Faculty of Chemistry (green pinpoint) is shown on the detailed zoomable map.
University of Warsaw
Biological and Chemical Research Centre
¯wirki i Wigury 101
02-089 Warsaw, Poland
GPS location:
N52°12'48", E20°59'14"
The Centre is easily accessible from the following transport hubs:
  • Warsaw Central railway station (Centralna): by bus 175, 512; by tram 7, 9, 25
  • Warsaw West railway station and coach station (Zachodnia): by bus 187, 382, 523
  • Warsaw Chopin Airport: by bus 175, 188
Webmaster: w3adm@chem.uw.edu.pl
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw (2016)