The Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CENT III) construction was finished in 2012 and since then it is a place for best polish and international scienctist to conduct their research. The main goal of the project is to establish an interdisciplinary University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CENT III) whose activity will be focused on the application of the latest scientific achievements and results for economic purposes.
Our laboratory is located in the rooms 3.140 on the third floor and 2.15 on the second floor of the complex.
CNBCh website
Biological and Chemical Research Centre
University of Warsaw
Żwirki i Wigury 101
02-089 Warszawa
Room 2.15
Room 3.140
Faculty of Chemistry

The Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, is a large research and teaching center. There are fully developed programs in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inorganic, nuclear, organic and physical chemistry as well as in chemical physics.
The Faculty is regarded as the top chemistry department in the country.
We reside in room 233, 235 and 271.
The Faculty of Chemistry website
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Warsaw
Pasteura 1
PL-02-093 Warsaw
Room: 233, 235, 271