International PhD Studies in Chemistry
Faculty of Chemistry University of Warsaw, POLAND
    Mar 03, 2025
Subjects of Theses
Program of Studies
Partner Institutions
IV Microsymposium
Oct. 5-8, 2012
IV Microsymposium
III Microsymposium
Oct. 6-8, 2011
III Microsymposium
II Microsymposium
Oct. 8-10, 2010
II Microsymposium
Opening Ceremony
II Admission (2009)
Opening Ceremony - Winter Admission 2009
Opening Ceremony
I Admission (2008)
Opening Ceremony - Winter Admission 2008
International PhD program - supported by the Polish Foundation of Science - is offered by the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland. The program designed in cooperation with well-recognized international research Partner institutions is entitled
"From simple molecules to nanostructured and bioactive materials"
It is divided into three thematic lines reflecting increasing complexity of the studied materials:
  • Simple systems with complex molecular interactions,
  • From new materials to devices
  • and Biomacromolecules and therapeutic systems - modeling and development.
The Program aims to train future scientists able to work in highly competitive environment and with abilities to work across disciplines. Duration of the program is 4 years, including 6-24 months spent abroad in the foreign Partner institutions.