International PhD Studies in Chemistry
Faculty of Chemistry University of Warsaw, POLAND
    Mar 13, 2025
Program of Studies
Subjects of Theses
Program of Studies
Partner Institutions
IV Microsymposium
Oct. 5-8, 2012
IV Microsymposium
III Microsymposium
Oct. 6-8, 2011
III Microsymposium
II Microsymposium
Oct. 8-10, 2010
II Microsymposium
Opening Ceremony
II Admission (2009)
Opening Ceremony - Winter Admission 2009
Opening Ceremony
I Admission (2008)
Opening Ceremony - Winter Admission 2008
  1. In the first two years of Studies, PhD students should acquire credits for general university subjects, the same as for all PhD Studies at Warsaw University, with a minimum requirement of 60 hours.
  2. Two lectures from the list provided below must be chosen - lectures are 30 hours each.
  3. Specialised courses (60 hours in total) are chosen by the Supervisor. Lectures outside the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw organised by other university faculties or institutes are also acceptable with the approval of the Supervisor.
    • Physical chemistry of interfaces and highly dispersed systems" 30h - Professor Paweł Krysiński ( Winter semester 2009 - Tuesday 4pm and Thursday 5pm) 30h
    • Recent applications of nanostructured materials-from solar cells and batteries to biological markers", 15h - Professor Jan Augustyński - (Spring semester 2009 Tuesday 4 pm and Thursday 5 pm. r. 141)
    • Advanced analytical chemistry" 30h - Professor Ewa Bulska (Winter semester 2009)
    • Electroanalytical chemistry" 30h - Professor Jacek Lipkowski, Part I - December 6-19, 2009, Professor Z. Stojek Part II
    • Advanced organic synthesis: new trends, new tools" 30h - Professor Karol Grela (Winter semester 2010)
    • Advances in medicinal chemistry" 30h - Professor Aleksandra Misicka, Professor Rafał Siciński ( Spring semester 2010)
    • Physical chemistry of condensed matter: foundations and research techniques" 30h - Professors Wojciech Gadomski and Bożena Gadomska
    • Electronic structure and quantum dynamics of atoms, molecules, and clusters" 30h - Professors Bogumił Jeziorski and Robert Moszyński (Spring semester 2010)
    • Molecular modeling" - Professor Andrzej Koliński
    • Theory of chemical reactions" - Professor Lucjan Piela

    Lectures will be given in English with the grading criteria being determined by the lecturer.
  4. A Specialisation exam is mandatory and can be chosen from the following areas:
    Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry. The date of the exam and specific requirements will be provided by the Head of the PhD Council. Passing the Examination leads to the next stage of doctoral studies.
  5. Results of PhD research must be presented to the Council, which consists of the Supervisor, the Head of PhD Council and the Director of PhD Studies, within 12 months. Failure to demonstrate and present sufficient research progress will be considered a breach of the contract and may lead to removal from the program.
  6. PhD students are required to attend seminars and give one presentation yearly. For the first presentation, the subject will be literature-based, and subsequent presentations will report on the student's research progress toward their doctoral dissertation. These seminars will be evaluated by the above Council.
  7. Attendance at Departmental or Laboratory seminars is required. The Director of PhD Studies decides on the number of Faculty seminars that will be required for PhD students. The choice of seminars has to be mutually agreed upon by the student and their Supervisor, who credits the seminars toward the degree.
  8. English language classes (English for Academic Purposes and Science in English - 4 hours weekly) are free during the first three years. A Final exam of English competency is mandatory for all students, regardless of whether they attended the classes or not.
  9. 90 hours of teaching is to be done every year during the PhD program. The Head of the Department or Laboratory, together with the Director of PhD Studies, gives credit for the work performed. During the second year of Studies, after taking a Specialisation exam, PhD students can serve as independent teachers in classes they are assigned.
  10. Students taking part in the INTERNATIONAL PhD STUDIES are required to participate in foreign training programmes in Partner laboratories for a period of 6 to 24 months.
  11. Twice a year (before 1st May and before 1st November), PhD students have to submit a report on their research progress and semester work to the Programme Coordinator. The report should be written on the Foundation for Polish Science form and it should be checked and accepted by the Supervisor prior to submission to the Programme Coordinator. Funding and enrolment are carried out twice a year, so submitting the report on time is necessary. Entrance into the PhD degree program must occur before the end of the second year. Successful completion of the Specialisation exam and at least one paper within the subject of doctoral dissertation must be accepted for publication in the peer reviewed literature prior to the defence of the dissertation.