Electrochemical equipment: 4 AUTOLAB units from Metrohm, Inc., potentiostat/galvanostat EG&G instrument3 KSP potentiostats
Autolab system |
This equipment allows to use the following measurement techniques:
- cyclic voltamperometry (CV)
- chronoamperometry
- chronocoulometry
- chronopotentiometry
- pulse voltamperometry – normal and differential
- exchange current voltamperometry
- electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- rotating disk electrode (RDE) and ring rotating disk electrode (RRDE)
The above-mentioned techniques are used for development of methods for modification of electrode surface with conducting polymers layers, hybrid materials based on of polymer layers with metallic and semiconducting nanostructures, studies of organic layers self-assembly on conducting substrates, red/ox processes on surface of modified electrodes, adsorption as well as for determination of electrode process mechanisms.