___________Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)_________
The Labram HR microscope (Horiba Jobin-Yvon) is a high performance instrument that allows recording Raman spectra and mapping of solid samples. The spectrometer is integrated with two confocal Olympus microscopes (upright and inverted) and an atomic force microscope AFM (Park Systems). The upright confocal microscope is equipped with an automated XYZ stage that allows Raman mapping with diffraction limited lateral resolution (typically 500 nm). The integrated AFM allows simultaneous collection of topographic and Raman signal. The localized enhancement of the Raman signal by the scanning probe tip (the TERS effect, Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering) yields lateral resolution beyond the diffraction limit. The instrument is equipped with three laser lines: 532 nm, 632 nm and 785 nm.